We look out for wildlife!

Before the grass for our biorefinery was cut, the wildlife rescuers came into action for the first time. They started their special drone in the early morning hours and then systematically searched the meadows with a thermal imaging camera to prevent fawns and other animals hiding in the high meadow grass from being injured by […]

Visit of the Bioeconomy Expert Council

The Bavarian Bioeconomy Expert Council has paid a visit to Brensbach. Biowert founder and managing director Dr Michael Gass (centre), who is himself a member of the council, shows his guests what remains as residue in our production process: Nothing but nutrient-rich fertiliser.

What will replace petroleum?

All experts agree: We must stop using fossil fuels such as oil, coal and gas as soon as possible. But what comes after that? How can we produce all the things that have become indispensable for us – for example plastics – from renewable raw materials? Dr. Michael Gass, the founder and managing director of […]

Biowert in a well-known German children’s programme

How are clothes hangers made from grass? To answer this question, the well-known German children’s programme “Sendung mit der Maus” visited Biowert and recreated the production process with a meat grinder and a lemon squeezer. Our recommendation: Must see!

The Association of German Engineers (VDI)

The VDI guideline 6310** of the influential Association of German Engineers describes the Biowert plant Brensbach as an example – which means it demonstrably meets the strict quality criteria for a green biorefinery! Press release VDI 6310 (in German)

Hessian Minister of Economics visits Biowert

A prominent visitor in Brensbach: The Hessian Minister of Economics, Tarek Al-Wazir, visits our unique biorefinery in the Odenwald region! See the TV report from Sat1 (in German)

Ernst-Pelz-Prize for Michael Gass

The renowned Ernst-Pelz-Prize for merits in the field of renewable resources goes to Dr.-Ing. Michael Gass, managing director and founder of Biowert! The Bavarian Minister of Agriculture Helmut Brunner presented the award on 7 July at the 22nd C.A.R.M.E.N. Symposium in Würzburg.  Read more


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